大学院入学試験 出願資格の確認

大学院入学試験 出願資格の確認

Graduate School Entrance Examination / Individual Review of Eligibility for Application

Please download the forms for Individual Review of Eligibility for application from this website, and fill in and submit them to the Academic office, college of Engineering via email.

Please check your application eligibility by yourself.

【 外国の学校出身者 】
Applicants who have graduated from schools outside Japan must be

  1. 外国において学校教育における16年の課程を修了した者及び令和6年3月までに修了見込みの者
    those who have completed a 16-year school education course in a foreign country or those who will expect to complete it by March 2024.
  2. 外国の大学等において、修業年限が3年以上である課程を修了することにより、学士の学位に相当する学位を授与された者及び令和6年3月までに授与される見込みの者
    those who have been granted a degree equivalent to a bachelor’s degree by completing a course of not less than three years or those who will be granted by March 2024.

Please fill in the following forms, if you are eligible to applying for the course.

Forms for Individual Review of Eligibility

How to make a Research Proposal

Please contact the desired supervisor in advance to confirm the educational content before making a research proposal.
The e-mail address of a potential supervisor is written on the syllabus.

The List of a potential supervisor of Graduate School of Engineering,Nihon University.

The syllabus of college of Engineering,Nihon University.

After contacting a supervisor and making your research proposal,please send all three forms above to the supervisor and the academic office.

(academic office:ceb.nyushi1@nihon-u.ac.jp

If your Individual Review of Eligibility for Application is confirmed

Entrance Examination for
International Student

Prior Contact Confirmation Form will be issued.

Delivery address: The confirmation will be sent by post to the address registered in your Individual Review of Eligibility (domestic only)

Submit your online application documents to Admission Office, Nihon University

Ask your prospective supervisor to conduct your online application and registration, if you wish.

Application documents and Examination Fee

  • ※研究計画書(指導教員の認印がある原本)
    Form for Research Proposal ― The original document with a seal of approval of your supervisor
  • ※事前連絡確認書(教務課から交付された原本)
    Prior Contact Confirmation Form ― The original document issued by Admission Office, Nihon University

(※EDP… English Degree Program )

General Entrance Examination

Confirmation of Individual Review of Eligibility for Application will be issued.

Delivery address: The confirmation will be sent by post to the address registered in your Individual Review of Eligibility (domestic only)

Submit your application documents to Academic Office, College of Engineering, Nihon university either by hand or by post.

Application documents and Examination Fee

  • ※研究計画書(指導教員の認印がある原本)
    Form for Research Proposal ― The original document with a seal of approval of your supervisor
  • ※出願資格確認書(教務課から交付された原本)
    Confirmation of Individual Review of Eligibility ― The original document issued by Academic Office, College of Engineering, Nihon university